One of the biggest gaps in the lore of the current edition of Vampire: The Masquerade may soon be filled, as a Kickstarter project is being opened for Cults of the Blood Gods, which will finally bring the Cappadocians and the Giovanni back into the game as a new clan.

One of the founding clans in Vampire: The Masquerade was the Cappadocians, who were known as the Clan of Death. The Cappadocians were obsessed with the study of death, to the point where they once had access to the unique Discipline of Mortis, which allowed them to affect the bodies of the living, dead, and undead alike. There were very few Cappadocians left in the modern nights back in the ’90s, as they had been wiped out and replaced by one of their own offshoot bloodlines, known as the Giovanni, who used the Discipline of Necromancy to steal secrets from the lips of the dead.

Neither the Cappadocians or the Giovanni can be found in the current edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, but that may soon change, as they are due to return in an upcoming book called Cults of the Blood Gods. Onxy Path Publishing has issued a press release on its website and Matthew Dawkins has released a video on YouTube announcing a Kickstarter for Cults of the Blood Gods, which will contain information for clans such as the Followers of Set (now known as The Ministry), the cult of Mithras, the Bihari, and the church of Caine. The book will also finally bring make the Clan of Death playable once more, as a new clan known as the Hecata.

Cult of the Blood Gods will also deal with the various faiths of the Vampire: The Masquerade world. There are many vampires who follow real-world religions, such as the Banu Haqim having many Christian and Islamic members, but Cult of the Blood Gods will also deal with the darker aspects of religion that vampires can cling to in the modern nights. Cult of the Blood Gods will discuss these different faiths, as well as offering a ready-made chronicle set in the city of Munich.

Cults of the Blood Gods won’t be the first Vampire: The Masquerade book that was financed by crowdfunding, as Chicago By Night also received over one hundred thousand dollars in funding last year. The world of Vampire: The Masquerade is missing its inbred incestuous necromancer vampires, so we hope that Cult of the Blood Gods is successfully funded and brings the Clan of Death back into unlife.

Source: YouTube, Onyx Path Publishing