There are a staggering number of weapons to obtain in Dark Souls 3 and while some are little more than inventory clutter others are powerful weapons. Some weapons are so powerful that once you’ve obtained them and put a little work into upgrading them they can carry you through the majority of the game and well into New Game Plus.

What weapon is best for you in Dark Souls 3 comes down to personal preference, but if you’re looking for a solid weapon to achieve any ending and survive until you get better weapons in New Game Plus then consider some of these recommendations.

15 Astora Greatsword

The Astora Greatsword is a very light weapon with minimal requirements to wield making it a useful weapon for many builds right away, though it thrives with Dexterity builds. Because of these low requirements, it’s also one of the best weapons in the game to use infusions on.

To get this weapon, go to the Cathedral of the Deep and explore the graveyard outside the Cleansing Chapel, it’ll be on a corpse found there. It’s a versatile weapon that can be found relatively early on and accommodates most builds to take down a variety of enemies.

When upgraded to +10, this remarkably lightweight ultra greatsword gets S-tier scaling in dexterity if infused with a sharp gem. This makes it an ideal weapon for builds focusing on this stat that need a weapon with higher single-hit impacts at 244 physical damage. Similar to other weapons in its class, the Astora Greatsword can stagger and stun-lock many foes, even with light attacks that manifest as wide, horizontal slashes. Its Charge skill puts this sword’s length and power to great use with a devastating lunge attack.

14 Exile Greatsword

The Exile Great Sword deals the most damage of any curved greatsword, though it does come at the cost of an abysmal range which is why it ranks lower. Nevertheless, in the right hands and with the right build, it can carve enemies quickly thanks to the skill Spin Slash. Spin Slash slices enemies in a circle around the player before transitioning into a strong attack.

This weapon is obtained in the late early to mid-game at Farron Keep. It’s held by one of the Exile Watchdogs standing guard outside the ruins.

As such, this curved greatsword is an excellent armament for dealing with the more defensive enemies. The poise and health damage that is it does with both normal attacks and its weapon skill are reason enough to pick up the Exile Greatsword, though strength builds running some intelligence may be interested in giving it a simple infusion. After being infused in this manner and upgraded to +10, this large curved blade will do 161 physical and 169 magical damage with solid B-tier scaling in strength and surprising S-tier scaling with intelligence.

13 Executioner’s Greatsword

The Executioner’s Greatsword is a quirky weapon that can be very powerful with the right build. Because of its unique ability to leech six Focus Points from each kill, it makes a great weapon for Pyromancy builds ensuring the wielder has enough FP to cast their spells.

It’s found alongside the Astora Greatsword on a corpse in the graveyard by the Cleansing Chapel in the Cathedral of the Deep. It’s a fairly early weapon that has great scalability and is very powerful in a pyromancer’s hands.

As its appearance bearing a flat head indicates, this greatsword deals exclusively strike damage. Most of the time, this sub-class of physical damage is reserved for hammers or other blunt weapons, however, this makes the Executioner’s Greatsword especially effective against heavily armored foes who are typically weak to strike damage. It cannot be infused, only upgraded to +10, though when it is, it does 262 physical damage and has B-tier scaling with strength. The Stomp skill (spinning variant) it possesses is not often seen on greatswords, though can be used to great effect against crowds of weaker enemies.

12 Fume Ultra Greatsword

A hulking weapon that can double as a shield, the Fume Ultra Greatsword is a must-have for every strength build. The sword is slow and clunky to handle but does massive damage when it strikes. Players need to carefully time their shots with the Fume Ultra Greatsword but are rewarded with exceptional damage when hits connect with the enemies.

The sword is dropped by Knight Slayer Tsorig underneath the Smoldering Lake. Players can find him after they cross the areas with the rats and the basilisks, but before the exit that leads up to the ballista on the surface. Players must take the left of the stairs to the exit to find Tsorig in front of a pool of lava.

The sword offers an S scaling in Strength when fully upgraded providing a base total of 260 physical damage. The sword can be upgraded using Twinkling Titanite and can be buffed, but cannot be infused.

11 Dark Sword

The Dark Sword is a powerful weapon that will suit newer players or those running a build that mixes strength and dexterity. It’s a straight sword that deals great damage at a decent range. Its main perk is the Stomp ability that allows the player to lunge forward to increase poise and can follow up with either a strong attack or upward slash.

It can be obtained a couple of ways, the earliest is by killing Darkwraiths at the High Wall of Lothric. It can also be obtained from the Darkwraiths in Farron Keep, a good farming location is the Perimeter Bonfire where the Darkwraiths will be weakened by the nearby Ghru.

Despite the name of this straight sword, if one is going to infuse it, they are better off going with a refined infusion instead of a dark infusion. This weapon is clearly geared towards strength and dexterity builds, so the dark infusion’s B-tier scaling with intelligence and faith will do little good. A refined infusion leads the Dark Sword to gain B-tier scaling in both strength and dexterity at 198 physical damage.

10 Vordt’s Great Hammer

Vordt’s Great Hammer is a weapon of frozen death in the hands of anyone running a strength build. Within two or three hits it’s capable of inflicting Frostbite which deals 11% of a player’s max HP as damage and adds a flat 85 damage on top as well as negatively impacting stamina regeneration. It does require at least 20 strength to wield properly.

It can be acquired fairly early in the game by defeating the boss Vordt of the Boreal Valley at the High Wall of Lothric and obtaining his soul. This soul can be used to create the hammer, though this does prevent the player from acquiring the powerful ring the Pontiff’s Left Eye.

Although impossible to be infused of buffed, players will hardly miss these mechanics after achieving the maximum +5 upgrade for this great hammer. At this level, it will do 320 physical damage with decent B-tier strength scaling. Its common skill, Perseverance, is pretty handy on this slower weapon because it allows its wielder to poise through attacks and land more hits for better damage-trading in addition to easier frost build-up on foes.

9 Farron Greatsword

The Farron Greatsword is a unique ultra-greatsword with an elaborate wide arcing attack animation. The weapon is found early on in the game and is excellent for quality or dexterity-focused builds. Fans of the Abyss Watchers would find the weapon a must-have, along with the Abyss Watchers armor set. The weapon performs best in PvP competitions.

The weapon can be acquired after defeating the Abyss Watchers and transposing the Soul of the Blood of the Wolf.

Despite being an ultra-greatsword, the weapon has an A scaling with Dexterity when upgraded fully and provides 258 points of physical damage. It cannot be buffed or infused but provides a passive 20% damage boost against Abyssal foes. It behaves as a one-handed weapon and as such can be parried.

8 Hollowslayer Greatsword

The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a fantastic weapon throughout the entire game due to it having a 20% damage bonus against any hollow enemy, which includes a number of bosses. Many players going through the story and well into New Game Plus will have this weapon on hand as it’s the best when facing hollows.

It’s found surprisingly early in the game by defeating the boss Curse-Rotted Greatwood in the Undead Settlement. The soul can be used to craft this weapon or the strong Arstor’s Spear, though this weapon is arguably better.

With an inability to be infused or buffed, and poor scaling, the real reason to use this weapon is its unique bonus damage that can be quite impressive when combined with its 264 physical damage. The Hollowslayer Greatsword can absolutely decimate the decrepit Deacons of the Deep because of not only the bonus damage but also its wide, horizontal light attacks that can cover a large area. It can also be immensely helpful against Slave Knight Gael’s second and third phases, as he goes hollow when knocked down in his first phase.

7 Irithyll Straight Sword

The Irithyll Straight Sword is a unique straight sword that comes with built-in frostbite damage. The weapon is excellent for low-level players due to its high base damage and added frostbite effect. At higher levels, the weapon provides a fair bit of utility thanks to its long reach. The Irithyll Straight Sword has the potential of carrying players through the majority of the game’s areas and is effective against a number of opponents.

Players can get the sword by killing the Outrider Knight in the Undead Settlement zone. It will be at the bottom of the elevator shaft where Siegward of Catarina can be found, just before the Road of Sacrifices.

The weapon is best utilized by a Quality Build providing 216 base damage with a fixed 55 frostbite damage. The weapon can be upgraded using Twinkling Titanite but cannot be buffed or infused. The Irithyll Straight Sword is effective in both PvE and PvP competitions.

6 Lothric Knight Sword

What makes the Lothric Knight Sword so powerful is that it’s capable of holding its own in a wide array of combat scenarios. It can also be infused and buffed to suit practically any playstyle or build making it a versatile weapon that’s easily customized to meet the player’s needs. It also has a nice critical modifier of 110.

Getting a Lothric Knight Sword is also very easy and can be done early in the game by farming the Lothric Knights on the High Wall of Lothric. Pick this sword if you need something that can be tweaked to meet your needs.

This straight sword’s versatility is almost unparalleled as at +10 it can gain A-tier or S-tier scaling with almost any infusion where scaling is possible. Additionally, most of these upgrade paths lead the Lothric Knight Sword to attain somewhere between 215 and 275 damage total for their various damage types. This blade’s startlingly long reach can be a great boon, especially with its strong attack thrust moves.

5 Black Knight Sword

The Black Knight Sword is considered one of the best weapons for PVE and for good reason. With Perseverance, the player’s poise can be boosted to deal incredible damage. In addition to great poise damage it has good reach, speed, doesn’t consume too much of the player’s stamina, and grants 20% bonus damage to Demons.

It’s found in the midgame at Smouldering Lake on one of the corpses. Honestly, depending on your build and playstyle, this could be your one and only weapon for the rest of the game and long into New Game Plus.

As another weapon that cannot be infused or buffed, the Black Knight Sword relies on its base and bonus damage to be a formidable weapon. At 302 physical damage when fully upgraded, this greatsword is almost on par with ultra greatswords for damage potential. A mixed moveset including many slashes and a few thrust attacks allows its wielder to make the most out of every situation.

4 The Claymore

Think of The Claymore as a stronger version of Lothric Knight Sword in the greatsword category. It’s an incredibly versatile weapon thanks to Stance and can be infused and buffed to accommodate many builds and playstyles, particularly casters. It also has lower stat requirements when compared to the Black Knight Sword.

Another great perk about the Claymore is that it’s found early on. It’s by the first bonfire near the resting wyvern on the plateau. If you don’t get it then, it can also be obtained from various enemies in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, though this is much later in the game.

Although it does not reach S-tier scaling after being upgraded to +10 with any possible infusion, its base damage at this maximum level more than makes up for it. Most paths result in 250 to 300 damage after combining its damage-types’ potentials. Being one of the longest greatswords in the game grants the Claymore’s wielder many chances to out-space foes.

3 Ringed Knight Paired Greatsword

The Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords are the ultimate treat for greatsword fans giving them the ability to wield and use two greatswords at the same time. The weapon is added to the game as part of the Ringed City DLC and is best utilized by Strength and Quality builds. Players can switch between dual wield and single wield mode with the former mode doing more damage at the cost of attack speed.

The Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords are dropped by a Ringed Knight right before players enter the cathedral area. It is close to the altar where players rank up with the Spears of the Church.

The swords offer a C scaling in Strength and D scaling in Dexterity and provide a base total of 322 physical damage when fully upgraded. The sword can be upgraded using Twinkling Titanite, but cannot be buffed or infused. However, players can use the Ember weapon skill to buff the swords with flame allowing them to strike with a bit of fire damage.

2 Sellsword Twinblades

Surprisingly, the weapon that fans consider the most game-changing is the Sellsword Twinblades. These dual-wielded scimitars are powerful in the hands of a dexterity build, especially when given sharp infusion. In no time, these swords will quickly cut through the toughest bosses like butter, though they do require the player to dodge effectively as they don’t possess the ability to block.

If you start as a Mercenary, you get these weapons as your default weapon. If you pick another class, the earliest they can be obtained is in the swamp behind the Black Knight at the Road Of Sacrifices fairly early in the game.

Dealing 183 physical damage at +10 grants sharp-infused Sellsword Twinblades very high damage potential when combined with the flurry of strikes that it can unleash. The normal and heavy attacks are fast, but its Spin Slash skill allows it to land many blows in a short timeframe that can devastate most opponents.

1 Dragonslayer Greatbow

A massive bow that was used by the dragonslayers during the age of the gods, the Dragonslayer Greatbow will make quick work of any enemy players use it against. The bow is slow to load, but each projectile does massive damage making it ideal for sniping enemies from afar. However, the ammunition for the greatbow will be rare and difficult to get hold of in higher quantities.

Players can get the Dragonslayer Greatbow by looting the corpse of Irityhll of the Boreal Valley. They will also find some enemies nearby who wield similar bows. Although it is rare, some Silver Knights who wield the Dragonslayer Greatbow may also drop the weapon.

The weapon is upgraded using Twinkling Titanite and cannot be buffed or infused. It provides base physical damage of 220 when fully upgraded and has a C scaling Dexterity. A +5 Dragonslayer Greatbow when used by players with 40/40 Quality Build would yield a total of 427 AR.

NEXT: Ranked: Most Powerful Weapons In Dark Souls 3