Those of you looking forward to playing the upcoming Dark Souls Remastered in sumptuous 4K resolution may want to dial back expectations somewhat: Bandai Namco Games has confirmed today that the PS4 Pro version of the dungeon crawler won’t include HDR Lighting.

The initial announcement on the PlayStation Blog yesterday trumpeted a number of key enhancements for the title, including HDR Lighting and various other bits and bobs, such utilising assets from the Dark Souls III engine. Turns out this info was incorrect, and the post has since been updated to reflect this.

‘So to correct a few things that I posted about yesterday – Dark Souls Remastered will not include new assets based on the Dark Souls 3 engine or any combat differences. There is no HDR lighting for the PS4 Pro version,’ wrote Dark Souls community head honcho, Vaati (via GearNuke).

Dark Souls Remastered is due out on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch on May 25. Despite not having all the visual bells and whistles as originally claimed, the action-RPG will still be playable in 4K resolution and boast an improved frame rate among other extras.