DC doesn’t have the best reputation for superhero films, and many fans have been vocal in complaining about the television series Teen Titans Go! Yet, against what some might call better judgment and the odds, DC decided to run with Teen Titans Go! To the Movies. And the box-office numbers are showing they might have made a good call.

In making fun of themselves and breaking the fourth wall, it seems DC and Warner Bros. could be chiseling their way back into the superhero game. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies features a top-notch cast with stars like Jimmy Kimmel, Patton Oswalt, Wil Wheaton, Will Arnett, and Kristen Bell. Not to mention the regular cast featuring Greg Cipes as Beast Boy, Scott Menville as Robin, Khary Payton as Cyborg, Tara Strong as Raven, and Hynden Walch as Starfire.

Critics are applauding the efforts put into Teen Titans Go! To the Movies, giving it a score of 89 percent after Thursday and Friday’s showing on Rotten Tomatoes. Audiences, however, are scoring it much lower with a 69 percent. Much of this could be backlash from DC fans who are still upset about the original Teen Titans animated series not getting a reboot. The two animated series are drastically different from each other, with Teen Titans Go! clearly targeting a much younger audience.

While the Rotten Tomatoes scores show divisiveness, both sides will agree the movie was jam-packed full of nods, jokes, and Easter Eggs towards all things associated with comics and superheroes.

Warning! Spoilers Ahead for everything you missed in Teen Titans Go! To the Movies.

30 Post-Credit Original Teen Titan Mystery

At WonderCon 2018, co-creator of Teen Titans GO! Michael Jelenic made an announcement stating he “can almost guarantee” the return of the original Teen Titans. Rumors have also been rampant on the inter-web, saying the success of the film will determine the original series’ return.

In making fun of all this speculation, or to tease the return of the animated series, the original cast shows up in a post-credit scene stating they might have “found a way back.” DC announced the live-action version of Titans at SDCC 2018 to premiere on their streaming service but has yet to say anything about the animated series.

29 Jade Is A Rose Wilson Look-a-like

Jade Wilson’s character serves several functions in Teen Titans GO! To the Movies. She makes fun of Hollywood and how movies are produced, is a villain in disguise, and most importantly looks very much like Rose Wilson from the Teen Titans comics.

For those who don’t know, Rose Wilson is Slade’s daughter, also known as Ravager. Unlike her father, Rose fights for the good guys, often pairing up with the Teen Titans. Having Jade look like Rose was a nice tribute towards a mostly character who isn’t known outside of comic book circles.

28 Stan Lee Cameos In A DC Movie

The King of Marvel Comics and MCU cameos has branched out into the DC Universe. Lee makes a surprising cameo in Teen Titans GO! To the Movies, announcing his presence in a typical Stan Lee way, before realizing he’s doing a cameo for the wrong franchise.

Despite his health and personal life issues, it’s nice to see Stan Lee making fun of himself and still doing cameos — even if it was for a DC movie. In breaking MCU tradition and format, DC has Lee showing up two separate times in the film.

27 Dismissing Smaller Than Life Superheroes

With the MCU gearing up towards the untitled Avengers 4 and just coming off Ant-Man and the Wasp, the creators of Teen Titans GO! To the Movies didn’t hold back in making fun of the small superhero concept. The Atom (Dr. Ray Palmer) is shown several times as being worthless, getting smashed by the Teen Titans twice during the film.

While DC is obviously making fun of themselves, the jabs were clearly directed towards the MCU too. The Atom first appeared in Showcase #34 (1961) and has recently been rebooted in the Legends of Tomorrow series on CW.

26 Case Of Marvel Mistaken Identity

The Teen Titans are seen in Teen Titans GO! To the Movies as a joke, staining the reputations of so-called “real” superheroes. Taking another jab at the MCU, the creators feature Balloon Man getting confused over who the Teen Titans are.

At first, he thinks they’re minor Justice League characters and then claims they are the Guardians of the Galaxy. The jokes towards the GotG crew continue, as Slade challenges the Teen Titans in how they plan to take him down by saying, “Are you going to defeat me with a dance-off?”

25 Writing Off Green Lantern Movie

Deadpool and Deadpool 2 have taken plenty of shots at the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie, and it seems DC wants in on the action too. After singing a song instead of catching the villain, the Teen Titans are confronted by Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Superman.

Starfire asks Green Lantern if he’s ever had a movie made about him, to which he mumbles a reply, “We don’t talk about that.” Later in the movie, however, Green Lantern is seen filming in front of a green screen. Apparently, he didn’t learn his lesson the first time.

24 Dark Knight Metal Tribute

Flashing quickly in the background during the third act of Teen Titans GO! To the Movies is a billboard for Dark Knight Metal. True DC Comics fans will recognize the name of the comic book series written by Scott Snyder, with art by Greg Capullo.

The Dark Knight Metal comics explore evil versions of Batman found in a dark multiverse led by the god Barbatos.

Showcasing Dark Knight Metal in the background could simply be a nod towards the series, or a subtle way of DC announcing an upcoming series to be featured on their streaming service.

23 Case Of The Missing Mustache

If one thing can be said about Teen Titans GO! To the Movies, DC is no longer taking themselves too seriously. Their willingness to throw themselves under the bus is smart, especially if they want to change the public’s perception.

Featured as a movie poster in the background is Detective Chimp and the Case of the Missing Mustache.

Detective Chimp is an actual DC Comics character, first appearing in the Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog #4 (1952). Having him investigate Superman’s CGI mustache from the Justice League movie is pure comedic brilliance

22 Going Down BBRae Memory Lane

The ship of Beast Boy and Raven in the original Teen Titans series showed that boys and girls can be best of friends without a sappy love story to tie them together. Many fans, however, wanted the writers to take their romantic interests to the next level.

Teen Titans GO! To the Movies pokes fun at this by having Beast Boy call Raven “Rae-Rae” several times, sparking an old fandom flame once again. Perhaps, this will lead to a new revolution of fan art surrounding Raven and Beast Boy.

21 Shazam Lumped In With Past DC Failures

Jade Wilson tells Robin she only makes movies about real superheroes. As she says this, the camera switches over to Steel, Jonah Hex, and Shazam giggling over Wilson’s comment. Both Steel and Jonah Hex starred in films which bombed, making Shazam’s appearance in the group a conundrum.

DC released the new Shazam trailer as part of their San Diego Comic-Con Hall H presentation, with critics and fans showing interest in the film. Either DC doesn’t have high expectations for Shazam, or they’re making fun of how the public used to perceive his character.

20 Potty Humor Revival

Maybe it’s a generational thing, or the creators were simply calling back towards an innocent time in their lives, but TTGTTM has a ton of potty humor jokes. From using the facilities on set to extended farts taking up minutes of screen time, the writers kept the potty jokes coming.

While the adults might have been groaning and rolling their eyes, the kids in the theater clearly found it hilarious. So, whether you’re a potty humor lover or hater, it seems the jokes are here to stay.

19 The Shunning Of Aquaman

Another highlight coming out of the DC camp at SDCC 2018 was the release of another Aquaman trailer. Despite the strong showing, Teen Titans GO! To the Movies doesn’t seem to have much faith in the character, throwing him under the bus on more than one occasion.

When traveling back in time, the Teen Titans prevent Aquaman from becoming a superhero by dropping a six-pack plastic ring into the ocean and entangling him. When showcasing DCU movies, the Aquaman film was titled on the poster as Aqua Man-atee.

18 Robins Baby Hands

A running joke on Teen Titans Go! is Robin’s baby hands. But it wasn’t supposed to be his hands at first, as the joke was meant to make fun of his tiny legs. “It started off in the script as he has skinny legs,” Michael Jelenic stated in an interview with ComicBook.com.

Instead, it became all about the hands, to which the writers in TTGTTM went “all in” on, much like Jalenic does in the television series. “It’s honestly just something that makes us laugh,” producer Michail said in the same interview. “I mean come one, he’s got baby hands?”

17 Reversing The DCU

Robin gets it in his head he’ll be recognized as a legit superhero if they reverse the tragic tales which plague superheroes. The team time travels to reverse Batman, Superman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman’s backstories. But no one else in the DC Universe.

When they return, the world is in total mayhem, with Harley Quinn and the Joker dropping bombs and the city is in total ruins. Apparently, only the members of the DCU Justice League can prevent the ending of life as we know it.

16 Paying Tribute To Batman Animated Series

After sneaking into the premiere of Batman’s movie, a trailer is shown for the upcoming movies about the Batmobile, his utility belt, and Alfred. At the beginning of the trailer is a quick glimpse of Batman, who is not illustrated like the Teen Titans Go! Version. Instead, it is the original artwork from Batman: The Animated series.

The series has always been a shining light in the DC Universe and could quite possibly be the most popular series to ever be produced by Warner Bros. and DC. For those who love nostalgia, the clip of Batman standing tall surely brought back warm memories.

15 Changing Green Lantern’s Image

Grammy-nominated Lil Yachty not only drops a few beats in Teen Titans GO! To the Movies, but he also voices Green Lantern too.

To change the public opinion about the famous ring wearing superhero, Lil Yachty has declared he’s up for the task.

In an interview with Electronic Urban Report, Lil Yachty states he’s a big fan of the Teen Titans and DC Comics. “I told my manager that was something I wanted to get into and he kind of made it happen for me.”

14 Nicolas Cage Finally Gets Superman Role

Let’s go back in time to 1998. Kevin Smith is a household name and has written a Superman script. Tim Burton is super popular and wants to direct Smith’s script, hiring on Cage to play the Man of Steel. As quick as the project begins, so does it end, and Superman Lives never comes to be.

Teen Titans GO! To the Movies couldn’t pass up the opportunity, finally allowing Nicolas Cage to play his dream role. It should be noted, Cage is a huge Superman fan, having once owned a 1938 Action Comics #1 (Superman’s comic book debut).

13 DC Animation Vs. Disney Animation

Robin is busy singing a song about how he wants to be the center of attention and recognized as a true superhero. During the tune, Robin is shown fighting an odd-looking villain, because the character isn’t actually a bad guy.

Batman: The Animated Series was ruling the airwaves in the early 90s until another animated series showed up in 1994 called Gargoyles (produced by Disney).

The villain Robin is shown fighting during his song in Teen Titans GO! To the Movies is none other than Goliath, the Gargoyle leader of the Manhattan Clan.

12 Home Of The Animaniacs

Every generation identifies with the Warner Bros. studio lot in different ways. For those who grew up in the 90s, Animaniacs will forever be associated with the famous Warner Bros. water tower.

Starfire is quick to mention this when the Teen Titans first show up on the Warner Bros studio lot, pointing to the water tower and stating it’s the home of the Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot don’t pop out of the tower, sadly, as having them perform their own musical number would have been hilarious.

11 Flash Is King Of Photobombing

The animated Wally West is known in the DC Universe for being a bit goofy and Teen Titans GO! To the Movies has a blast exploiting the Flash’s immature side. Batman is walking the red carpet for his movie premiere, only to have Barry Allen photobomb him.

Bruce Wayne might be the center of attention, but the Flash is sure to make his presence known too.

When compared to the rest of the Justice League, the Flash often gets the short-end of the stick. Having West photobomb Bruce Wayne during his moment of red carpet glory is something the Flash would totally do.