The big draw to Destiny 2, along with its predecessor, that keeps players coming back every day is the endless string of challenges with the promise of loot. However, some fans have been disappointed to find that some of the older ways to gain some specific weapons have disappeared over the current lifetime of Destiny 2 and its earlier releases.

One way that gear could be obtained way back during the original Destiny was through replaying strikes until strike-specific loot would drop as a reward for completing the challenge. This unfortunately hasn’t been the case for the current form of the game as none of the incredible strikes from Destiny 2 have any loot that is specific to any given mission.

A dedicated fan has taken to Reddit to suggest their own concepts for strike-specific loot that could give extra rewards for players to strive for with the currently available strikes. Reddit user BeefySeaDragongoes above and beyond when introducing the design concepts for strike-specific gear that could spawn from all the way back to strikes from year one of Destiny 2, like Exodus Crash and The Arms Dealer. One of the most impressive designs comes from the strike Will of Thousands from the Warmind Expansion, with a Kinetic Pulse Rifle based on the Abyss Defiant and specialized mods dropped for each class, all inspired by Xol’s design. Read the full fan strike-specific loot breakdown here.

Bungie has introduced strike-specific loot in the past, such as the Stolen Will that was introduced during the Taken King expansion of the original Destiny, a design the Reddit post suggests adding to a Scout Rifle from the Lake of Shadows Strike. This rare spawn made hunting down the Taken version of the Winter’s Run strike an exhilarating quest that rewarded players for even playing lower level versions of older strikes. With the massive collection of activities available in Destiny 2, adding new ways to interact with the world (or solar system) might be what the game needs now to keep players invested, especially with Destiny 3 still in the distance.

With any luck, Bungie might start listening to these fans who are asking for more content, not that Bungie has had a habit of being deaf to the community in the past. However, while Destiny 2 continues to evolve in 2020, it may be a wise choice for the game to start looking to the success of the past in order to lead the future. Taking this feature to the extreme, Bungie could also apply these concepts to other activities that have been added to Destiny 2 in the last few years of its life.

To see all of BeefySeaDragon’s concepts, check out the original Reddit post here.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit