The World of Destiny 2 sees groups of Guardians clinging to “the light” and fighting back hordes of enemies that wish to extinguish it or use it for their own nefarious purposes. Bungie has spent a lot of time crafting incredibly imposing bosses and supervillains that take fully-loaded fireteams to topple. But the galaxy is filled with “minor enemies” that can be just as deadly under the right circumstances.

Today, we shine a light (pun completely intended) on the hordes of lesser creatures to determine which non-boss enemies can give your Guardian a run for their money. This list can be a bit subjective (some of us struggle more with specific units than others) but we did our best to collect a 10 stack of baddies that feature some of the most annoying, dangerous, and downright frustrating abilities found in Destiny 2.

Here are 10 Most Powerful Enemies found in Bungie’s latest release.

10 Scorn Scarab

Each faction has its own “easy to kill” unit that is quick to fill a room as cannon fodder for powered-up guardians. The Fallen have Dregs, Vex have Goblins, and the Cabal have Legionary. The Hive manage to kick it up a notch with their Thrall units, which can quickly overrun a fireteam. Of all the “throwaway” units though, the Scorn own the most dangerous. Scarabs are like Thrall, deadly fast and usually found patrolling in hordes. The key difference is that these units don’t claw your eyes out, but rather, explode when they’re near you, doing massive damage to your health bar. They’re basically Cursed Thrall that move at a much, much faster pace.

9 Ogres (Both Types)

We decided to combine both types of Ogres for this list (The Hive and Taken versions) because either of these units has the potential to quickly melt your fireteam into a fine Guardian fondue. The “regular” Hive versions shoot a massive continuous beam from their eyes that pumps out some serious damage while the Taken versions shoot higher-damage non-continuous shots from their eyes and can knock Guardians backward. Both of these variants are downright dangerous but they end up much lower on this list thanks to their huge weak spots.

8 Vex Minotaur

Most of the Vex are pushovers when it comes to taking damage but Vex Minotaurs are a dangerous exception. These hulking sentient machines can take a beating and will enter a state of enragement as they near death. This is the last thing you want considering Minotaurs come equipped with a powerful blaster that is capable of shredding your health bar like a block of cheese. To make matters even worse, these bipedal behemoths will teleport randomly and will even sometimes charge towards you, guns blazing. Their unpredictable nature makes them an even bigger threat.

7 Scorn Chieftain

Chieftain are a rare breed when it comes to enemy types. Not only are they strong in their own right, but they have the ability to make the units around them stronger as well. Coming face-to-face with one of these large enemies can make you anxious enough, especially when you consider their powerful weapons are capable of bursting your Guardian down rather quickly. What makes the Chieftains a truly threatening force, however, are their use of totems. These baddies can toss out Solar totems that act like turrets, Arc totems that can trap you nearby, or Void totems that create invulnerable shields on their allies. Get enough of these units in a room and you’ll quickly find yourself panic-swapping between weapons to break their random shields.

6 Vex Hobgoblin

There are quite a few guardians out there that don’t like fighting the Vex because their “weak spots” are located on their stomach (save for a few mob types). Of all the Vex you’ll face, Hobgoblins usually pose the biggest threat. Their danger lies in their ability to catch you off guard and a “hidden” group of them can quickly lay waste to a fireteam. Whenever you find yourself facing a group of Vex, you’ll want to quickly identify where these snipers are located and take them out. If you’re too slow, you might find your health bar snapping under the weight of a solar-based laser. Using a sniper rifle can help because these annoying foes are capable of putting up an invulnerable shield and regaining their health when under fire.

5 Taken Vandal

Hobgoblins aren’t the only “snipers” you’ll have to face. Normal Fallen Vandals are a precise nuisance but they’re incredibly easy to dispatch. Their Blight-infused variants, however, can quickly become an annoyance. Not only do their wire rifles pack an upgraded punch, but they’ve given a personal bubble they can activate to mitigate damage. Being under heavy fire from these ranged menaces is bad enough but a small group of them can create a cycle of invulnerable bubbles. Thankfully, these shields are easily bypassed by walking into them, but at range, your weapons are useless.

4 Hive Wizard

Usually, the introduction of the Blight transforms a “regular enemy” into something truly terrifying. Oddly enough, this is not the case when it comes to Hive Wizards. These dastardly “spell slingers” are actually more intimidating and frustrating in their original state. Taken Wizards gain the ability to summon hordes of shadow thrall (which keep coming until the source is defeated) but regular Hive Wizards will burst you down with their powerful Arc attacks before you even know you’re being attacked. Their seemingly endless barrage will quickly drain your health bar and the clouds of darkness they leave nearby will slow you to a turtle’s pace.

3 Cabal Gladiator

Well be honest, some of the enemies on this list were downright difficult to place. So many of them depend on specific variables and situations. Certain things can make enemies more dangerous in one area and less of a threat in the next. When it comes to Cabal Gladiators though, you should always consider them a top priority elimination. These cleaving creatures can sneak up on you while you’re distracted fighting their friends. It usually only takes a few swipes from their bladed weapons to down a guardian.

2 Taken Knight

Knights can be frustrating enough on their own (depending on whether they’re melee or ranged). Taken Knights gain a power boost and the ability to teleport, which can be annoying enough, but the Blight also gives them access to a powerful new weapon. These upgraded Hive pests will sling a massive amount of fire towards you, creating lines and barriers that burn away health quickly. It can be difficult to hide behind cover and the attacks come out even faster if the Knight happens to be a Boomer variant.

1 Taken Captain

When it comes to “normal enemies,” the strongest foes you’ll face are easily Taken Captains. Normal Fallen Captains are annoying enough under the right circumstances but the Taken Blight transforms these middle-of-the-pack baddies into truly formidable foes. Not only do they hit harder and move faster but they teleport more often and gain access to a “darkness ball” attack that can disorient you and sap your health. To make matters worse, the ball itself can move through cover, forcing you out and into oncoming fire.