Dinkum is a farm life Indie Role-Playing game that was released on Steam as an early access. The game is set in or has similar elements to what seems like the wild Australian outback. While you explore the lands, you need to collect items and resources which will help you evolve your town. While traveling through the lands, you will come across a Shiny Stone. As you are mining in the game, you will come across a lot of these kinds of items. Although they are not important items themselves, they can be used to make more valuable resources in the game. So let’s check out this guide to see how to find and get Shiny Stone in Dinkum and how to open it.

How to Get and Open Shiny Stone in Dinkum

While mining, you are going to find a lot of items like Shiny Stone which can give valuable resources when put in a Stone Grinder. So here’s what you need to do to find and get Shiny Stone and open them in the game:

  • Shiny Stone are randomly generated items but you will only find these while mining and excavating.
  • Since you are mining, you will need the Logging License and Mining License Level 1.
  • While the Logging License will allow you to buy axes, the Mining License will allow you to buy pickaxes.
  • Some rocks need pickaxes to be mined while some can be done with axes. For the shiny stone, axes are enough to get them.
  • The Licenses can be bought from Fletch at 250 Permission Points each.
  • And the Axes and the Pickaxe can be purchased from John’s shop and will cost you 1200 Dinks each.
  • Additionally, you will need a Stone Grinder to open the Shiny Stones in Dinkum and convert them into valuable resources.
  • You can place your Shiny Stones in the Grinder after you purchase it from John for 10,000 Dinks. Once you do that, the Grinder will operate for some time and then give you items like Opal, Ore, and more.

That’s all you need on how to find and get Shiny Stone in Dinkum. While you are here, check out get money fast, Crafting Guide, and more Dinkum guides, tips, and tricks at Gamer Tweak.